Adam James Connon

Adam James Connon

Adam James Connon is currently (November 2023) listed in the Companies Registration Office as a 33% shareholder of the Ditch Media Limited.

Connon is a graduate of the National University of Ireland Galway and studied at the private BPP Law School in London. In 2016 he was admitted to the Law Society of Ireland as a solicitor. His Law Society membership associates him with Connected Intelligence Limited, the Global Ultimate Owner of which is Web Summit co-founder Paddy Cosgrave. Connon was appointed General Council for the Web Summit in 2020 having previously worked with Kerman and Co LLP solicitors in London and as General Counsel with the Jamie Oliver Group following the latter’s entering administration in 2019.

On November 7th 2023, the Web Summit issued a press release stating that Connon had disposed of his shareholding in Ditch Media Limited at some stage in October 2023. However, at time of writing, this transfer had yet to be notified to the Companies Registration Office so for now he continues do be listed as a shareholder.

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    Global Media Registry
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