Enda O'Coineen

Enda O'Coineen

Enda O’Coineen is an international entrepreneur, author, sailor and owner of the Business Post in Ireland. He also has experience in media and broadcasting having worked as a journalist for the Irish Times. He has been involved in a number of investments in technology, energy and finance, often via Kilcullen Kapital Partners. He has been involved in a number of investments in technology, energy and finance, often via Kilcullen Kapital Partners. Enda, as Chairman of Kilcullen Kapital investment platform, acquired what was then The Sunday Business Post in 2018 and has since completed six other investments and partnerships. It was reported in 2020 that he owns just under 90% of the Investment Vehicle Dun Aengus Invest Ltd.

In 2017, his net worth was reported as €49 million. He made his fortune in his 20s, by bringing credit facilities and cheap communications to Central/Eastern Europe after the fall of the Berlin Wall. In 2016 he unsuccessfully ran as an independent candidate for a seat in the Seanad on the NUI panel. In 2018 he attempted a solo circumnavigation of the world in the Vendée Globe sailing race on his yacht, Kilcullen Voyager. The following year he published a memoir titled Close To The Edge.

Media Companies / Groups
Media Outlets



Kilcullen Kapital Partners (technology, renewable energy and property)

Seanchai Bar in Waterford Restauration

Family & Friends

Affiliated Interests Family Members Friends

Nicola Mitchell

Ex-wife and CEO of agrochemicals company Life Scientific

  • Project by
    FuJo Logo
    Global Media Registry
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    Co-funded by European Union