Frank Long

Frank Long

Frank Long is a Chartered Accountant and was Finance Director at Celtiv Media from 2008-2016. He was a member of the management team involved in the buyout of the company from Dunfermline in 2012. He owns a 27.4% share of the company and was a company director until 2018.


After leaving CMNL in 2016 he went on to work as non-Executive Director with Deep-Insight a company specialising in Customer Experience (CX) for Business to Business (B2B) clients. He is currently the Chief Operations Officer for Oxfam Ireland.


Media Companies / Groups
Media Outlets

Family & Friends

Affiliated Interests Family Members Friends

Frank Mulrennan

CEO CMNL - Joined Celtic Media in 2005 as Managing Director and led the management buyout of the company from Dunfermline in 2012. He is also an executive member of Local Ireland, an industry group representing local news outlets in Ireland.

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    Global Media Registry
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    Co-funded by European Union